James St Guide Edition Six

January 14, 2025
New Year, New Us
Clichés about new year resolutions aside, we genuinely are turning over a new leaf on a new year.
If you are reading this, you may have noticed that things look a little different around here… yes, the new-look jamesst.com.au has had a glow-up befitting a Hollywood star.
If you like that, then the good news is we’ve also just dropped a fresh print of James St on the street too. Turns out digital hasn’t killed the print star, with a bright and bold James St Guide Edition Six now available from James St retailers.
Print: James St Guide Edition Six
As a bricks and mortar district, one that exists ‘IRL’ it is only natural that we love a nice bit of print. A physical guide to a physical place – the businesses, the experience, the physical space and the small details that inform our street from the plant-life to the people-life and even the art-life.
Pick up a complimentary copy from over 100 participating James St retailers to let us chaperon you around our neighbourhood.
Use it, peruse it, dog-ear it, pass it on and recycle it when done. Or keep it to share with future houseguests, so you don’t have to do all the hard work as a tour guide.
It’s free and can be found in all James St businesses while stocks last – get your hands on one now, and if you can’t find one, take a flick below.
Digital: jamesst.com.au
We admit it, we are totally addicted to digital; its immediacy, satisfying every query, from how to boil a perfect egg, to what date is James St Up Late this year, and what time does Gail Sorronda actually close on a Tuesday?
Clickity-click your way around and become acquainted with the James St digital community noticeboard – your online place to plan your offline activities. What’s new, what’s the goss, when’s the next event, what is fresh and arty, competitions to be in, chats with interesting folk, sneak previews and all the foodie news.
We may have a fresh new look for 2025, but our resolutions remain the same…to not only connect you to our community but make you a part of it. All welcome.