Re-sale Fashion for A Cause

March 15, 2022
Fashion for the floods pop up
In partnership with designer fashion re-seller Label Pig – James Street is honoured to host a Fashion for the Floods charity pop up during James St Up Late to help those impacted by the floods.
We are asking our community to donate special fashion items for re-sale at the Fashion for the Floods Pop Up.
100% of proceeds from those flood-donated pieces will be donated to GIVIT who are coordinating help and support for communities devastated by flooding.
Donated items can be dropped off to the temporary Label Pig Pop Up Shop located in the James Street Markets next to Wheel & Barrow from Wednesday 30 March. Items can then be purchased during James St Up Late on Thursday 31 March.
All items designated for raising flood funding will be clearly marked to ensure 100% of proceeds go to those in need.
This represents an opportunity for people to donate something really special from their wardrobe in the knowledge that not only will it go to an adoring new owner but that 100% of proceeds from its sale will be donated to flood impacted communities.
Please see the below details for how you can support the Fashion for the Floods initiative.
We are thrilled to announce Label Pig raised a total of $5200 at James St Up Late which will be donated directly too GIVIT to help those devastated by recent flooding.
More on Label Pig:
Label Pig, the brain child of Hannah Murphy, was launched three years ago. Established to provide fashion lovers with a platform to buy designer, vintage and pre-loved quality items, the idea was born from Hannah’s passion for shopping vintage which she developed while living in London for five years. Since then Hannah has become a regular pop up resident on James Street – enabling her loyal followers to both sell and buy high fashion items at reasonable prices. A long-time member of the James Street community Hannah worked for 10 years with Easton Pearson and then with Camargue before venturing out on her own with the Label Pig concept. For more information on Hannah follow this link for a little chit chat.