Join us in Pollinating Change

January 17, 2021
The Buzz
James Street (JS), Jack Stone (JStone) – Bee One Third’s founder
There are many busy bees on James St, but it’s the insect type that are actually the busiest – hard at work 24/7 365 days a year. With the help of local apiarists Bee One Third, James St has had the pleasure of hosting bees daily on our rooftops since 2013. Now we are biased, but our bees make the most delicious neighbourhood honey and in a JAMES ST THINGS first, you can buy it in-stores and help pollinate change.
As part of the James St Series – a series of small things and big ideas, James St’s honey will be available from Saturday 18 December until sold out at Assembly Label, CRU Bar + Cellar and Jocelyn’s Provisions. The honey is not only a charming gift but an act of supporting our ecosystem too – sweet, huh?
We spoke with Bee One Third’s founder and urban apiarist Jack Stone for the James St Guide Edition Two and below are a few things he shared. For the full chit chat, read here.
JS: What’s one thing we can all do to help bees?
JStone: Purchase honey from your local area – find out who the local beekeepers are and open up a dialogue with them.
Also, be conscious of buying fruits and vegetables seasonally and buying Australian grown. Australian bees are out pollinating those vegetables, fruits and seeds, and that’s going to support the local bee population. If you are a little bit more adventurous, it is not too hard to plant some pollinator-friendly shrubbery and plants that are an aromatic and visual addition to the garden.
JS: How is the honey in James Street different from other areas in Brisbane?
JStone: The honey changes from location to location and from season to season, so you have this beautiful irregularity with the product. The honey from James Street is a direct representation of what’s in flower and what is in season at that time of year.
JS: What is your favourite way to eat honey?
JStone: A slab of fresh honeycomb from the beehive slathered over warm crumpets, with really nice salted butter.